What's New?

MOS 2016: What's New?

MOS was already the gold standard in
certification exams. Now we've made it
even better.

From Single Project to Multiple Project

By migrating from a single, large project for the certification exam to multiple, smaller projects, we’ve
made the newest MOS a much more powerful instrument for assessing student skills.

Students and teachers will now be able to devote more time to practicing and mastering on the specific skills tested in each smaller project. Students can complete a smaller project, continue their studies, and
complete the next project.

This improvement allows students to focus their studies and enhance the learning process. It also allows
the exams to test skills more broadly and deeply.

More Enhancements

We incorporated feedback from expert advisors and teachers to improve
certification exams and make them stronger tools for assessment and
students preparation:

  • Revised instructions to avoid command and function names, requiring a
    deeper understanding of program functionality
  • More objective domains incorporated across the different exam forms
  • Real-world context for exam content
  • Performance-based format for improved aptitude testing

Naturally, we’ve also updated our library of learning aids. And we now offer
digital badging to provide convenient credentials for students seeking
higher education or jobs.

Presenting the MOS 2016 Certifications

Stefanie Number of jobs on indeed seeking MOS

Badging: Unlock the Doors of Opportunity

What does it take to get ahead? What will make you shine in a crowd of
applicants? Certification. It makes you marketable.

With more than 135,000 jobs listed on Indeed.com when searching for
“Microsoft Office.” It’s one of the most-demanded skills.


Certiport is the sole
provider of Microsoft Office
Specialist certification exams
officially endorsed by


Educators, interested in learning more about becoming a Certiport Authorized Testing Center? We can help.