Certiport Press Releases

Welcome to Certiport!

Welcome To Certiport

(US Organization Administrators)

Certiport's On-Boarding team works with new Certiport Authorized Testing Center (CATC) in North America, to bring you aboard with Certiport and to ensure that you receive the information and training needed to begin successfully delivering exams.

If you have any questions about on-boarding or getting started as a Certiport Authorized Testing Center within North America, please contact the Certiport On-Boarding and Training Team by calling 888-999-9830 option 6.

If you are located outside of North America, click here to locate a Certiport Authorized Partner.


Certiport's main On-Boarding and Training page can be found at www.certiport.com/go. This is the first web page you should visit as you prepare to deliver exams. The On-Boarding and training Team manages this page in an effort to help each Certiport Authorized Testing Center successfully deliver certification exams.

Certiport.com Go Homepage

At the top of this page you will find the Getting Started Training Presentation. This presentation introduces Certiport, and gives a brief explanation of each of the six steps to becoming a Certiport Authorized Testing Center. If you have not already watched this presentation, take the time to do so now.

Within each of the six steps to Getting Started are written instructional content and training presentations. Many of these steps are broken down further into task-oriented instructions.

A full library of all of our On-Boarding Training Presentations can be found in the lower right corner at www.certiport.com/go. Click on a title to view the training presentation.

In the upper right corner is a Quick Links section. Here you can click and open several useful shortcuts to other pages. The webinar training page lists instructions as well as a full schedule of dates and times to our weekly live Webinar training sessions.

Weekly Live Webinar Training Sessions

Certiport's live weekly training sessions are held using an online webinar with desktop sharing and audio. You will be able to see the trainer's desktop online as he or she demonstrates and explains administrative account management and test delivery. You can visit this page directly by going to www.certiport.com/webinar.

Certiport Webinar Training Page

Manage Your CATC

Log in at www.certiport.com to manage your Certiport Authorized Testing Center. Log in using the username and password you created when registering with Certiport. Each person will only ever need one username which can be used for multiple roles, such as taking an exam, proctoring a testing event, or administering over a Certiport Authorized Testing Center.

Once logged in, you will notice a white drop-down box at the top of the screen. This is how you select the role you wish to access. Click on the drop-down box to see a list of your available roles.

Org Admin Role Selected

If you are the user that registered your Certiport Authorized Testing Center, you have automatically been given the role of Organization Administrator. Each Test Center needs at least one Organization Administrator, who has full access to all of the rights to managing the account. The remainder of this presentation will describe the Organization Administrator role. Select the Organization Administrator role.

Note: If you do not have this role, please contact the person who registered your Testing Center

As an Organization Administrator, you have the ability to associate other members to your Certiport Authorized Testing Center and to assign roles. However, if a person other than yourself will be managing your CATC, you should associate him or her to your Center now and assign the role of Organization Administrator. These instructions are explained in the Managing Associations module which can be found in Step 5: Manage Your Account; or click here to watch the video.

Training & Tools Tab

The Training and Tools tab is available from www.certiport.com, when you have logged in and selected the Organization Administrator role. This page is similar to the www.Certiport.com/go page, but is designed for Organization Administrators. The icons within the Training and Tools tab are Install, Manage Your Account, and Administer Exams. Each icon will link you to a page with more information and instructions for the task. In the right column you will find training presentations to assist you with these tasks. We are frequently updating this page, so check here often for new content.