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Test Candidate Tools

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Advancement in work or in life is not something that occurs in one step. As a test candidate, you have the tools on to help you through the process.

Assign Exam Vouchers

You can purchase a certification exam voucher either through a Certiport Center or directly from Certiport. Assigning exam vouchers to yourself secures the voucher from being redeemed fraudulently.


Log in to with your User name and password.*


Enter the voucher sequence in the fields entitled “Voucher Number” on the MyCertiport page. View Screen Shot


After clicking “Assign to Me,” the voucher sequence and expiration date will be displayed under the “My Exams” heading. Included is a listing of the certification exam(s) for which the voucher can be redeemed.


To use the voucher to initiate testing via the Internet, click “Go.”** To unassign the voucher, click “Remove/Unassign.”

* To tie a voucher to your User account, you must have previously purchased or received a voucher code from Certiport or a Certiport Center.
** Applies only to IC³ certification. A Certiport proctor must be present to administer the exam.

My Transcript

My Transcript provides a real-time and authenticated listing of the certifications you have earned along with their specifics. Use My Transcript to give your certification information to key contacts such as potential employers.


Log on to with your User name and password.


Click on My Transcript located under the MyCertiport tab.

Printable version of My Transcript page: Click on the appropriate link under the main heading.* View Screen Shot

Printable version of a certification certificate: Click the name of the intended certification beneath the “Certifications” heading.**

Printable report of your certification examination score(s): Click the name of the intended exam beneath the “Exams” heading.**

Authorize transcripts access to a third party: Find the “Authorize Access” heading on the My Transcript page. Enter the e-mail address of the desired recipient, type a brief message, and click “Authorize.” This will send an e-mail with a link allowing a third party to view your certification transcripts.

* You may have to adjust the Page Setup settings from “Portrait” to “Landscape” to fit the entire copy on one page.
** You must have Adobe Acrobat to load the certificate.